
Vetdietologist and why it is needed

What should be the natural food and is it possible to give the animal food from the table?

Vetdietologist and why it is needed

The selection of a high-quality balanced feed is an important part in the long and active life of a pet. The issue of diet is the cause of controversy among experienced and novice owners of cats and dogs. How to choose the right feed from the variety of brands present on the market? What should be the natural food and is it possible to give the animal food from the table?

This is a really relevant question because a lot will depend on what the animal eats: health and longevity, physical activity and even the pet’s mental abilities.

There is an old Polish proverb: “The mirror is most closely associated with the saucepan, because what we eat determines how we look.” In animals, this is also 100% applicable - their health and appearance mainly depend on how they’re fed.

Who is in charge of choosing a diet for animals?

Veterinary dietetics deals with the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with changes in metabolism. It is aimed at providing a balanced diet for animals, including those with a special diet. By building it, nutritionists usually calculate the daily rate of substances required by the body. The task of a specialist is to help the pet and its owner solve nutritional problems.

Why do nutritional problem occur with pets?

Out of good intentions, owners of cats and dogs, considering pets as members of their family, allow them to eat what they want, without controlling the quantity and quality of the food. Maintaining a proper diet will help keep your pet healthy. A pet’s diet is selected individually, based on age, weight, characteristics of the species, as well as the state of its health.

It is dangerous if the pet eats the remains of food from the table. Even the most common foods can be incompatible for a pet’s health by not satisfying the nutritional needs of the species, and even be truly poisonous to it!

Overeating and consuming the wrong foods leads to diseases, including common ones such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and food allergies.

When should you contact a pet nutritionist?

Modern veterinary medicine attaches great importance to therapeutic nutrition as a therapeutic and prophylactic factor. Veterinary dietetics deals with the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases in the animal’s body.

It is highly recommended to consult a pet nutritionist and determine the right diet after identifying a number of pathologies, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, pancreatitis, hepatopathy, joint diseases, chronic gastritis and gastroenteritis, food allergies, conditions after surgery, chemotherapy and a number of others.

Each of the diets has its own indications and contraindications. A pet nutritionist carefully studies the medical history, weighing all the nuances so as not to harm the pet and create the most optimal diet.

Determining the most appropriate diet will require a thorough examination to understand the severity of the condition, and a detailed description of what your pet is currently eating.

The diet for the pet is determined by age, illness, medical history, clinical examination, laboratory tests and general condition at the moment.

Recommendations for pet owners

  • You need to make sure that the pet's diet is complete. If it is a home-made diet, it should be reviewed by a nutritionist or tailored to the pet's needs for all essential nutrients (minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, etc.). If this is an industrial-made feed, it must correspond to the type and age of the pet. Cat food is not suitable for dogs. Puppies and kittens cannot eat food for adult pets. Make sure your pet eats the manufacturer's recommended portion.
  • It is important to observe the behavior of the animal, make sure that it is in an ideal state: the pet is active, with a beautiful shiny coat.
  • It should be convenient for you to feed the chosen diet and should not cause discomfort.

If all the points are met, then it is the best that can be done in terms of feeding a pet!